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School Logo

Hawthorn Primary School

Where every child matters


School Improvement


How Will I Know How My Child Is Progressing?

Apart from the freedom you have to see the class teacher during the year, there are formally arranged Parents Evenings.  Notice of these is given each term, with the last one coming after the written report in the Summer Term.  At the end of each year all pupils from Y2 – Y6 are given tests in Reading, Number and Reasoning skills. These tests are standardised against other pupils throughout Wales, thereby giving an accurate picture of your child’s progress and attainment.  At the end of Year 2, all children are assessed in English, Mathematics and their personal and social development.  Year 6 children are assessed in English, Mathematics, Science and Welsh. It is anticipated that the average child will attain Outcome 5 by the end of Year 2, and Level 4 by the end of Year 6.
