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Hawthorn Primary School

Where every child matters


Homework, Sex Education and Religious Education

Is There Homework?

Though not compulsory, homework is regarded as an essential part of the children’s education.  It encourages independent working skills and provides opportunities for learning to continue outside the school.  Parents/carers are encouraged to take an interest in the tasks set and provide continued support.


Context and Organisation of Sex Education Policy

The school Governing Body has accepted the proposals for sex education as outlined in the LA guidelines.  There is a set programme when matters are dealt with sensitively as they occur in the course of the child’s time in school.  Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from sex education.


Religious Education and Collective Worship at School

Religious Education is a compulsory element within the curriculum and is taught in accordance with the latest guidelines.

Daily School/Class Assemblies give an opportunity for collective worship and incorporate hymns, prayers, stories and readings.  Children are encouraged and given opportunities to participate in the services and we have a range of visitors who are also invited to participate and lead our time together.


Parents who object to their children receiving Religious Education, taking part or attending Collective Worship may withdraw them by informing the school by letter.  Appropriate supervisory arrangements will be made for the children withdrawn.
